Priyanka Bhakt
Research Scholar
CDFD, Hyderabad, Telangana(Present)
BCIL Trainee at Eminent Biosciences.(Previous)
Hello, I have joined Eminent Bioscience as a trainee under Biotech Industrial Training Programme (BITP) - 2013-14 conducted by Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL). It was a great opportunity for me to working under the guidance of Dr. Anuraj Nayarisserie. During this training period I have learnt so many bioinformatics tools and softwares which has immense applications in data analysis and in biotech industries. And which are really helpful for me in understanding and developing the computational approach in my further research. This training is very beneficial for those who wants to extend their career in the field of computational biology. This will open multiple doors for getting good placements by improving the computational skills and knowledge in bioinformatics. I am very Thankful to Eminent Bioscience and Anuraj sir for his invaluable and supportive guidance throughout my training programme and also wish him good luck for the upcoming future.