Ish Jain
Research Fellow,
McMaster University,Canada.(Present)
BCIL Trainee at Eminent Biosciences(previous)
“Omnipresent” – a word that truly describes the involvement of the Eminent Biosciences in my endeavor to achieve a Ph. D. position at McMaster University, Canada. I am indebted to Eminent Biosciences for a lot of things. I feel privileged and proud to be a part of Eminent Biosciences. I have joined Eminent Bioscience as a trainee under BCIL Biotech Industrial Training Programme (BITP) 2014 - 15 and it was a great opportunity for me to nurture my skills under the excellent guidance of Dr. Anuraj Nayarisseri. I have experienced a great deal of transformation in my knowledge through a well designed training program. Understanding the biological system functions via sequences, conformations and molecular dynamics under bioinformatics setting serves a great purpose in unveiling the mysteries and mechanisms and Eminent Biosciences provides an excellent interface to study these molecular interaction in the system. Eminent Biosciences is making some valuable contribution to the scientific community and finally benefiting nature and mankind. Thank You.